20240527 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.04

20240527 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.04

The boards arrived yesterday and I was quite excited. However, as I am in the midst of moving houses, I’ll need some time to search for the box which kept all the Project’s components and tools. Just for tonight, I can only do a test-fit of the PCB into the 3D printed clip.

What a nice feeling! The PCB fits snugly and I was so tempted to just go out, anywhere to get a soldering iron. Although the board is completed, there are so many things that can go wrong. For example, just last week, the switch I ordered came in a 2mm spindle and not 4mm. And although the programming for the chip is done, it would still need some fine-tuning to dim the LEDs even more.

20240527 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.04
I am so tempted to use the re-flow soldering process for this board but yeah, I don’t know which box they were all kept in…
Some of the components arrived as well and so, once I have a free evening to get the all the tools out from the boxes, I’ll populate the board for further test-fitting. I’m so excited, mainly because I want to try re-flow soldering but this time, without the stencil since this design is still a prototype.
The 5mm LED is nice but I could not get the diffused lens for this version. It sits nicely with the board pressing downwards. It is too bright but then again, I am powering it with a 3v CR2023 button battery.
A closer look with the flash on. As you can see, if I used a normal 5mm LED, it would be jutting out too much.
If I remember correctly, last month’s mock-up with a normal 5mm was jutting out to much. Maybe I’ll revisit it again after seeing this video, courtesy of Adam Savage of Tested.

Where to get what:

AndersFP (Anders Fogde Pedersen) PKD-2019 Blaster Download File

Duplex Designs Lighting Kit for AndersFP PKD-2019

Duplex Designs’s Upgrade Parts for AndersFP PKD-2019

Posted in 2019 PKD Blaster, 3D FIles, 3D Models, 3D Printing, A Piscean Works Blog, Blade Runner, Character, Computers, Design, EaglePCB7.77, Electronics, Flowcode, JLCPCB, Microchip PIC, Microcontroller, Printed Circuit Board, Sci-Fi.

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