My Apologies Sorry for the lack of up dates as there is not much to be done until the components have arrived. And when they do, its going to be a fortnight’s worth of soldering and stuff. The boards have arrived first and so, I was able to prep them. The most time-consuming part would […]
Category Archives: Lighting
20241013 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.22
About 5 days ago, the circuit boards has arrived and you can say, I was overjoyed because this signals the completion of the prototyping stage and into the production stage. As usual, a small project grew into a sizeable challenge and the saving grace was that I was able to learn a few things from […]
20241012 I love Soldering
Soldering: A process of joining two metals with a molten metallic filler (i.e. solder). There you have it. A very simple process of creating a (or an electrical) bond between two metals. The statement is simple enough without taking into consideration such as oxidation, types of solder, soldering procedures and so on. But today, I […]