20241124 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.24

20241124 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.24

Phew. Soldering the Boards is time consuming! I have been soldering and programming the Boards after coming home from work for the last three weeks. Soldering a few boards can be fun but multiply that and the fun goes away rather quickly. I have a very systematic approach to producing these boards something which confirms […]

20241105 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.23

20241105 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.23

My Apologies Sorry for the lack of up dates as there is not much to be done until the components have arrived. And when they do, its going to be a fortnight’s worth of soldering and stuff. The boards have arrived first and so, I was able to prep them. The most time-consuming part would […]

20241013 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.22

20241013 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.22

About 5 days ago, the circuit boards has arrived and you can say, I was overjoyed because this signals the completion of the prototyping stage and into the production stage. As usual, a small project grew into a sizeable challenge and the saving grace was that I was able to learn a few things from […]

20240923 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.19

20240923 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.19

Finally, I managed to test the two boards over the weekend and I am happy to say, I can now into Production Stage! But first things first This stage is quite dangerous and can kill the Project entirely. Yep, financing. I have calculated the BOM (Bill of Materials) and it is quite a big sum. […]

20240919 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.18

20240919 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.18

The two boards have arrived. And I am excited to populate and test them by this week. Once they are OK, I can move on to continuing with drafting the manuals. What is the damage? Seriously, I have not thought about the pricing yet. I have seen the pricing for the ones out there and […]