20240910 Showing off the TR-580 aka MkVII part. 01

20240910 Showing off the TR-580 aka MkVII part. 01

This would be the second gmprops (aka Gerhard Mros) Tricorder Electronics that I have and would like to preserve. I bought my first from him in the early 2010’s but during a local Malaysian SciFi Prop display, it developed legs and wandered off. I was compensated with a cheap version of the 2009 JJPrise version […]

20230825 3D Printed Tricorders

20230825 3D Printed Tricorders

A package from China has arrived today and I was quite surprised since I did not order anything further. After opening the parcel, everything started to come back to me. These are the Tricorder 3D prints from JLCPCB! Last month, I had requested the MKVII and Mk OSX Endgame Tricorder shells to be printed in […]

Westar35 from the Mandalorian by Philippe Fondecave

Westar35 from the Mandalorian by Philippe Fondecave
