20220901 Endgame Tricorder Electronics

20220901 Endgame Tricorder Electronics


I have just found my Endgame Tricorder electronics again! 15 years ago, I won it at an eBay auction with the help of a friend. At that time, I know nothing about the bidding concept and um, sniping tactics. I was quite happy with my win until I realised that the electronics do not fit into the Roddenberry kit.

In the end, I realised that gmprops had a version for it too and offered to make it good. This is how good he is, even though I did not get it directly from him. But in reality, the cost of sending the stuff back between two parties was expensive. It was time consuming too.

The Tricorder always sells out at Roddenbery.com and so, having the electronics was a bonus. But over time, I was happier with the electronics instead. I cannot even remember where the resin kit is now.

GERHARD MROS aka gmprops

Some of you would be wondering why I like him. Despite complains about his products being slow and having communication issues, I kind of understood why. Creating electronics for Tricorders is not his actual job and it is also very challenging when it comes to hand soldering and getting the components.

In a sense, he is one of my Heros. If you know electronics, you will marvel how he can recreate the OSX’s complex LED sequence with off the shelf electronics. Mind you, the OSX is very compact and he can still stuff everything in it. This is the second gmprops electronics that I have in my hands. And he took me to school on that.

Fast forward many years later, his electronics has advance so much that he is able to re-create sounds from a single IC chip. For me, I am relying to microcontrollers and playback modules. Yeah, he is still taking me to school on that.

20220901 Endgame Tricorder Electronics
This board needs some cleaning up as it was exposed to the Malaysian environment. It is also very embarrassing to see my impatient soldering attempts too. I am going to transfer the electronics to a new platform. At that time, I could not find any blue SMD leds with a domed lens or knew it existed.

Posted in A Piscean Works Blog, Electronics, Replicas, Resin KIts, Sci-Fi, Star Trek, Tricorder.

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