20240511 1/6th Proton Pack: The Prints are in!

20240511 1/6th Proton Pack: The Prints are in!

Yesterday, I got the opportunity to collect the long-awaited 3D prints. And I am quite impressed with the result. We did discuss more on going further on this Project but as it started to rain and my Wife wants me back asap, we have to cut everything short. In hindsight, this would be much faster […]

MMHS2024 & Malcom


2024 is here and once again, MMHS beckons. The event will be held at The Wembley, St. Giles Hotel from 8th of June to 9th of June. It would be the same place as before. And this time, I am sure there would be even more entries and Vendors, making the event more successful. Last […]

Blockade runner Cutaway by Hiromitsu Sato

Blockade runner Cutaway by Hiromitsu Sato

Blockade runner Cutaway by Hiromitsu Sato https://www.facebook.com/groups/2043682082594379/posts/3192332851062624/?cft[0]=AZXvdI16sTtxAlMo5njyXcnYM-qTZVq94m4SiG6olzAJNrNNjJD2_Lr-R4c8Exlx8zUKoXY2ISC4uTLXClD7vP45RV2UsQntYerjojMn6P88U9QJNdWbh0dqu1MUXkoKrUthjnkbUCDEJlFs_pVzkx1L&tn=%2CO%2CP-R