20250117 All Set for the Fish Market!

20250117 All Set for the Fish Market!

At long last, after nearly one year since its inception, the PKD-2019 Lighting system is done. And Delivered. The arrangement is very simple. I get my stuff to a Good Friend’s Company who will list them to online sites and then deliver them in the fastest way possible. If I were to do this, I […]

20250113 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.28

20250113 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.28

The Story so far… Over the weekend, I got the labels printed as best as I can, the manuals sorted out, and everything packed into a pizza box. Phew! And I think this took about 8 months or so, when it all started on 5th of May 2023. A Facebook friend by the name of […]

20250102 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.27

20250102 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.27

Happy New Year! I’ve been distracted for a few days lately, mainly due to some reliable Staff not being there which at the end of the day, tired us out picking up the slack. The great thing is, I am almost there, with only the printing of the Manuals and the tear-notch clipping of the […]

20241220 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.26

20241220 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.26

OK, I am so excited today, wishing the Day’s Work would end immediately. The 3D printed switch cover has arrived. This was one of the main delays which literally stalled the Project. Without it, I could not finalise the assembly manual. The problem started when I exported the SketchUp file into .stl format which had […]

20241208 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.25

20241208 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.25

I can see myself getting closer to the finishing line and I’m pushing for release by January 2025. I wanted to release this my mid-2024 but in my pursuit of a longer lasting system and using a 3D printed solution, this delay costs me time. Financially, it is quite significant since I am still depending […]