20230704 Qi Wireless Charger Tester

20230704 Qi Wireless Charger Tester

In the Workshop, sometimes, there is the need to test the Car’s Qi Wireless charger. And not many has a mobile phone that has wireless charging. The Industry has adopted the Qi Wireless protocol as the de facto standard when it comes to wireless charging. So, I want to create a testing tool for my […]

20220928 Front Array V03 R02

20220928 Front Array V03 R02

The remaining components has arrived and I can now complete populating the board. As the title suggests, this is version 3 revision 2 but physically, this is the first Front Array board for me. All the while, I was using Mr. Duchette’s original design. With this redesign, I can say that the board is more […]

20220925 New 3D Material from JLCPCB

20220925 New 3D Material from JLCPCB

Once again, please do be aware of JLCPCB’s PSA on the 4-day break starting at the end of September. Anyway, while I was at their website, JLCPCB seems to have added more 3D printing and material options. I have uploaded a new file just to test if they can be printed. I am worried because […]

20220922 The Front Array PCB

20220922 The Front Array PCB

Remember the Front Array which I redesigned as Front Array Ver 3?The boards finally came. And the bad news is, I do not have some of the necessary components. They will have to wait until I can scrounge up some spare cash. In the meantime, I will populate the board with what I have. HOUSTON, […]