20240715 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.07

20240715 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.07

After a conversation with a friend who is a Blade Runner fan a few night ago, he offered to print the screwdriver part for me. Initially I was offering him a full working prototype if the lighting but he declined. And suddenly, he came and passed me the two 3D prints! We had a nice chat over drinks and talked about the near future of 3D and other stuff.

20240715 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.07
As the download links (below) pointed to the who sources of the 3D files, he kindly printed the two version for me. Here, it was given the name of screwdriver while on the Internet, it was either a sight rod or, laser sight. There are no official source to name every part of the blaster. IRL, the part was never identified. It could either be a jeweler’s screwdriver or a hole punch but I guess, it could be a mix between the two.
Using a 3mm drill bit, I cleaned the insides of the screwdriver. Never realised this task could be so hard as the plastic is frustratingly stubborn.

Where to get what (no, not the Boards and I have not produced them not got a link to sell them yet):

AndersFP (Anders Fogde Pedersen) PKD-2019 Blaster Download File

Duplex Designs Lighting Kit for AndersFP PKD-2019

Duplex Designs’s Upgrade Parts for AndersFP PKD-2019

Posted in 2019 PKD Blaster, 3D FIles, 3D Models, 3D Printing, A Piscean Works Blog, Blade Runner, Replicas, Resin.

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