20240828 1/6th Proton Pack: Revision v004D has arrived

20240828 1/6th Proton Pack: Revision v004D has arrived

The Revision v004D has arrived just last week. And I’ve been putting this off for quite some time while I concentrate of the lighting for the Blade Runner Blaster. And this delayed excitement is driving me crazy. Of course I cannot just start soldering the moment I come home. I need to transfer the components from the v004C board first.

Desoldering the SSOP chip

The first hurdle is transferring the microcontroller. Although I am using the same microcontroller, this time, it is housed in a smaller SSOP18 package. The problem is that the legs or rather, leads, from the chip is much smaller than the conventional SOIC18 that I am so used to. I will have to use the re-flow hot plate as a soldering iron is really out of the question.

The difference between a SOIC chip (left) and the SSOP (right) where in this case, would be the legs or leads on both sides. I can get the smaller chip but I have to pay the price for its fine leads, which is 0.65mm wide compared to the bigger 1.27mm ones. In this case, the soldering/ de-soldering process is going to take time.
(Image courtesy of RAYPCB)
20240828 1/6th Proton Pack: Revision v004D has arrived
Using this image, you’ll appreciate how much work is needed to populate the PCB with just a soldering iron. I can use a hot-plate but this is a double-sided board so it can be a problem with the components on the other side. Whats more, I will be soldering some fPCBs which is also another set of headaches.
Posted in A Piscean Works Blog, Design, EaglePCB7.77, Electronics, Flowcode, Ghostbusters, JLCPCB, Lighting, Microchip PIC, Microcontroller, Printed Circuit Board, Programming, Proton Pack, Resin, Scale Lighting, Scale Models, Sci-Fi.

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