20240919 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.18

20240919 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.18

The two boards have arrived. And I am excited to populate and test them by this week. Once they are OK, I can move on to continuing with drafting the manuals.

What is the damage?

Seriously, I have not thought about the pricing yet. I have seen the pricing for the ones out there and they are hovering around the USD50.00 mark. This ‘plug&play’ solution gives you the following, but without the LiPo battery though:

  1. The Circuit Board,
  2. A LiPo Charger with JST adaptors, and
  3. A set of Manuals.

20240919 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.18
These two boards; the PKD2019 in Black (L) and the Ghost version in White (R) are the actual production boards.
Each board has their own lighting effect.

Where to get what (no, not the Boards and I have not produced them, not even a link to sell them yet):

AndersFP (Anders Fogde Pedersen) PKD-2019 Blaster Download File

Duplex Designs Lighting Kit for AndersFP PKD-2019

Duplex Designs’s Upgrade Parts for AndersFP PKD-2019

Posted in 2019 PKD Blaster, A Piscean Works Blog, Blade Runner, EaglePCB7.77, Electronics, Guns, Lighting, Microchip PIC, Microcontroller, Printed Circuit Board, Programming, Replicas, Sci-Fi.

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