20240923 WordPress has an AI Image (tool?)

20240923 WordPress has an AI Image (tool?)

Like it or not, AI (Artificial Intelligence) is coming to us. In the past few weeks, I have seen posts on Facebook showing how AI can now do movies with less or little errors compared to a year ago. Even the images now are so real, it is quite hard to tell it apart and yes, they can do fingers now. So, this will be the next big thing (ie we have to pay/subscribe), plus with all new things, there would be resistance and fears of affecting Lives as we know it. Or, it could be a Fad where things might go back to normal and it is treated like just any other tool.

And so, it has come to WordPress. I do not know which plug-in has started this my most of them do have this option now. So, as I was creating another post, I noticed this option when I wanted to insert an image. It now has the option to generate an AI Image via a word prompt. In less than 30 seconds, I got the first result…

There was an additional option when it came to insert an image; “Generate with AI
Just for fun, I typed, “Beautiful girl wearing a lab coat holding a white LED lighting up the whole room full of dials and switches” and clicked GENERATE. In about less than 30 seconds, I got the result. Note that I think this is a trial as creating this image used 1 Request out of 20 (which one has to pay?).
Maybe I should have stated “5mm white LED diode” , “greedy faced brunette” and “Japanese like factory”
Anyway, the option INSERT IMAGE will insert into the post but the actual file would be saved in my domain or something. That would increase my storage so I would have to do a double job and saved it to my Google Photos and link it back from there.
20240923 WordPress has an AI Image (tool?)
I don’t recall asking her to wear a badge…
Posted in A Piscean Works Blog, AI (Artificial Intelligence), Computers, Design, Technology.

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