20240729 www.ianLawrencemodels.com is no more

20240729 www.ianLawrencemodels.com is no more

I have a very bad habit of keeping some tabs open on my Firefox and every time I restart the Web Browser, some of the links would update themselves. Some like the Late Ian Lawrence’s would do so only when I click on them. Except today…

This means all the contents are gone and there is not way I can refer back to it as a reference site.

20240729 www.ianLawrencemodels.com is no more
I guess his next of kin or relative has decided to stop the Website. If possible, I would like to have some of his pages on my Page but I do not know much about Websites and linking stuff. So, I’d have to go to the Wayback Machine at web.archive.org for the last snapshot which was 19th May, 2024 at 11:32:39

Update: 19.09.2024

OK, the Site is up again as I was able to enter it.

Posted in Daily Catch, Design, Lighting, Model Kits, Scale Lighting, Scale Models, Sci-Fi.

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