20240829 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.15

20240829 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.15

Wow. What a day yesterday was. I’ve received the package from JLCPCB and this time, the Postman knew where to find me since I was busy at the rear end of the Workshop. So, after a brief glimpse of the PCBs, I chucked it into the bag.

Wake up, time to charge

Then this morning, in the office, when I opened my bag, seeing the JLCPCB’s blue box, it all came back to me. After two back breaking exercises to load/ unload all my (almost) remaining stuff into the car in the evening, I went back home. After I (painfully) unloaded the stuff, ate lightly and showered, I dozed off. Yeah, I did not do what I wanted and plus, the testing of this board was forgotten last night.

The PKD Lipo Adaptor

This adaptor is in its third revision because the previous version became obsolete once the smaller charger I used as testing prototype became harder to find. Then again, I got this board last year sometime before October 2023. In the end, I had to redesign the board because the solder locations does not fit. You can actually recognise the main difference between the two boards below.

20240829 Lighting for the AndersFP Blaster Pt.15
The LiPo charger module (left) uses the TP4057 chip and slightly larger board uses the TP4056H (right). Another noticeable difference is that the smaller board has red/blue LEDs while the larger board has red/green LEDs for the charge/full status indicators.

I want to include these chargers with the PKD boards so that you do not have to go out and get one. I could incorporate that into the PKD boards but through experience, plugging a USB in and out from a PCB can lead to failure very quickly. Another idea is to make the board thicker to to 1.6mm and shape it into a USB connector but this would mean taking the whole PCB out from the PKD Clip which, will also introduce unwanted wear & tear. And yes, the four LEDs which is used to hold the board will be compromised.

So far, these boards are meant to charge single LiPo batteries while the circuit is OFF.
And if this works, I can use them more often for other projects.

Where to get what (no, not the Boards and I have not produced them, not even a link to sell them yet):

AndersFP (Anders Fogde Pedersen) PKD-2019 Blaster Download File

Duplex Designs Lighting Kit for AndersFP PKD-2019

Duplex Designs’s Upgrade Parts for AndersFP PKD-2019

Posted in 2019 PKD Blaster, A Piscean Works Blog, Blade Runner, Design, EaglePCB7.77, Electronics, JLCPCB, Lighting, Printed Circuit Board, Scenery.

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