I do have tools. But just because I was an Engineer does not mean that I have a lot of tools but just the opposite. I only the necessary tools to do a specific Job. A decade after the turn of the Century, the change of Job Description requires me to re-evaluate my tools. Many more years after that, most of my tools has been relegated to storage with the exception of a few. The only constant were the soldering iron and flux, the de-soldering pump, the cutter and the multimeter. Because of my Hobby, I tend to have two sets of the same but now, it is mostly just one of each.
One thing I could never be without would be the LED tester. It always nearby and does solve a lot of issues in a pinch. Except after the Move. I did not realise I have forgotten the LED Tester until I needed it last week. My backup, which is the analogue multi-meter was also nowhere to be seen. Technically, both are nearby but the question was, in which box?
Because of the 9.9 offer on Shopee, I decided to get another LED Tester. I always find myself buying backup tools once in a while and this is no exception. They do wear out especially when I am on manufacturing mode. So, the only tools that does not have backups are still the (rusting) soldering iron stand and the pair of nice, sharp cutters.