20240915 My first Ghost Trap from Rubies

Yep, that’s correct as this is technically my first Ghost Trap although I ordered a Haslab version too. I’ve been fascinated with this since I was young. It was the Prop which got me attracted to Ghostbusters equipment and not the Pack itself nor the Movie. At one time, I even thought of designing a Ghost Trap type of dustbin but could not figure out how to open and close the barn doors quickly.

The Ghost Trap is a Toy

So, by all miracles, I got one today, due to my fast response as soon as I saw the post on Facebook. Thanks to good timing, luck or best of all, Fate, it’s now mine. I modified one before and there are some potential to bump up the lights in there. Furthermore, this is the Rubies version which comes with a foot switch. So, I interpret my own foot switch design too because getting the actual parts to make a screen accurate version can really cost a lot, not to mention the time needed. So, this one is ready to play and is in my hands. Something I cannot do if the Hasbro version arrives.

I ended up getting a Proton Pack too since it was an offer I could not refuse. I guess I’ll have to break out the files to create another working Pack (lights only) for later. Maybe its for some Nephew or, for Sale.
Posted in A Piscean Works Blog, Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters Ghost Trap, Proton Pack, Sci-Fi, Toys.

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